Monday, July 27, 2009

How Horoscopes Work

Here's the fact about how horoscopes work.

Horoscopes, which is in a local paper is very simple. Based on the premise that each of us has a zodiac or sun sign is that on the basis of our birth date. You'll find the Zodiac, or "sun" in the table below, and noted that his job is on birthdays. Note that the data are for a day or two, depending on which source you read your horoscope, but usually as follows:

ARIES 3/21-4/19
TAURUS 4/20-5/20
GEMINI 5/21-6/20
CANCER 6/21-7/22
LEO 7/23-8/22
VIRGO 8/23-9/22
LIBRA 9/23-10/22
SCORPIO 10/23-11/21
Sagittarius 11/22-12/21
CAPRICORN 12/22-1/19
AQUARIUS 1/20-2/18
PISCES 1/19-3/20

Each zodiac sign is a factor of personality on the basis of their cooperation with one of the natural elements (air, water, fire and earth). Below is an overview of the "signs" and the corresponding elements:

Sagittarius are signs of the fire.

SCORPIO are signs of water.

LIBRA all Air signs.

CAPRICORN are signs of the earth.

The contents of your horoscope daily, not only on the basis of this information, but where his zodiac sign is in the world every day. If your character is in a good position to love and friendship, your horoscope will focus on these areas. If the characters in a better position, career, and you can see a strong emphasis on finance and money. His zodiac sign is continuously during the entire universe according to planetary cycles. But not necessarily quickly. It could be a strong emphasis on one area for several months at the time.

But there are some complications to the whole process. Our sun sign is only an indicator of our personality in all three. We also have a "sign of the Moon" and "Rising Sign". The three "signals" give a fuller picture of not only our personalities, but the path of our lives and our potential lovers. Many people criticize the horoscopes, based only on the "sun sign" to argue that this is only part of the picture. And in fact correct.

Our Moon sign represents our emotions and our needs. Our "Rising Sign" at the time of our birth and makes our path in life and our connection with life and people we met. The balance between the "sun sign" their "sign of the Moon" and "Rising Sign" combines determines much of what is your astrological identity and, therefore, what your "real" should Horoscope. Indeed, many astrologers with all 3 "characters" to develop what is called an "extended horoscope." That is exactly how it sounds-an expansion in the brief information provided by the "sun sign" horoscope. While most "sun sign" horoscopes are free, many of the "extended horoscopes are rent-which means that it is a burden for them. This is the fee by the astrologer or the services they prepare.

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