People born between March 21 and April 20 are Aries. Is the element of fire, their quality is cardinal, their energy is Yang, their rulers are Mars and Pluto, the color red, the diamond is a gem, the main anatomical parts of the head and face, the keywords pioneering, leading and Beginnings News, TAROT the suit is Wands and TAROT Major Arcana card is stupid.
Celebrities who are a few lamb Norah Jones, Martin Lawrence, Mariah Carey, Reese Witherspoon, Crowe Russell, Eddie Murphy, Marlon Brando and Tennessee Williams.
Rams very simple people directly. They know exactly determined what they want. They can be very aggressive, stupid or impatient. The last thing you want to do is get angry lamb. This is not a beautiful sight. When the lamb is designed to fulfill it can develop a kind of tunnel vision, he sees nothing, but what he wants. That something happens to him the way he plays reasonably serious and dangerous.
Rams love challenges, and therefore may be greater leaders. They can also be ruthless dictators such as happened with Adolf Hitler, his lamb. One positive side of Aries can be very inspiring for other people and make them want to follow him. Aries is very charismatic people.
Of course, who love challenges to enjoy a good fight. Ram argue you into the ground. I do not expect them to give even inches. If you find yourself in a fight here with the lamb, should be fully armed, he would be willing to tear apart every word that comes his way.
Of Aries is in love with love, period. If he has the opinion that the complex is you want, you should go next to get away from her country, if you're interested. The lamb will be holding the love of his life until the end of the world, even to the point where they risk their lives. The best love matches for Aries is Aries, Leos and Sagittarians.
If by some chance the love fires burning did not result in Aries, are not are expected to be around. If the passion is gone, they will be. They are looking for people who have the fire in my life, and to do it.
Aries is very jealous, so if you have eyes, you may want to keep it a secret from your partner Aries. Even if he suspected that you are looking at another person who will give you a third of the cost, which makes the Spanish inquisition look like tea party.
Aries of the work is not changed in love with lamb. They are not jobs, with fire and passion that is unequaled. Therefore, they need a job, he has an interest, or they are out to find another job. Rams are natural born sales people.
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